Pokemon-go – Can a gym be claimed without beating the gym leader


Say for example there is a level 2 Team Valor gym nearby with a 2500 CP Snorlax and a 500 CP Vaporeon.

One day I get together with a bunch of my Team Mystic friends and we all decide to battle this gym at the same time. Every single one of us beats the Vaporeon, but we all lose to the Snorlax.

If enough people battle a gym simultaneously, is it possible to lower a gym's prestige to zero without beating the gym leader?

Best Answer

No, when you defeat the Vaporeon of the level 2 gym, you will lower the prestige of the gym. Since you are not defeating both, depending on the current prestige it may not level down, so you will need to defeat it again in order to level the gym down to level 1 which will kick the Vaporeon out. Which means if you wish to lower the prestige further you will need to defeat the Snorlax.

I do not think that defeating a gym with more players lowers the prestige by more. It simply makes it far easier to defeat them.