Pokemon-go – Can Pokemon Go run in split screen on Android? Does it then still count as being “active”


I just read the question asking if Pokemon: GO! counts as active for the sake of hatching eggs when the screen is locked; the result was that it does not.

So what about if it is split screen? I'd like to do a bit of running (couch->5k style) and was planning to use the app "Run. Zombies!" to do it but it would be great to hatch eggs at the same time.

Edit: Turns out split screen is awkward to enable on my phone, so for the purpose of the question, assume I'm not using any specific method of split-screen or any specific phone. If you know it works for one method/phone, let me know! If you know it doesn't work for another method/phone… let me know that too! 🙂

Best Answer

It doesn't sadly. The 0.29.2 (today's release) supports Android Nougat, but as of the current release, it doesn't support split screen.