Pokemon-go – Do nearby raids only show silhouettes


The "Evolve" button shows a silhouette if you don't have the Pokemon you'd get from the evolution yet, but shows an image of the Pokemon if you already have it. The nearby raids feature also shows silhouettes; however, it shows silhouettes for Pokemon I already have. Does this feature always only show silhouettes? Will it show the Pokemon if I've completed a raid against that Pokemon before?

This is a screenshot of a Magmar raid; I have caught/hatched/evolved a few Magmars, but never raided one.

enter image description here

Best Answer

In a recent update, this has been changed to display the Pokémon rather than the silhouettes based of if you've captured the Pokémon or not.

enter image description here

Since I have captured Magmar, it shows the Pokémon, but with Raikou uncaptured, it displays the silhouette.