Pokemon Go – Does Adventure Sync Track Distance in Pokemon Go


Adventure Sync can now be activated to track your steps (like a pedometer) while your phone is locked. Will Pokemon GO still track distance (with GPS) when the phone is unlocked and Pokemon GO running?

I do a bit of bike riding and do not want to lose out on the current (GPS) distance system. If both tracking systems work, Adventure Sync would be nice to be able to also count my steps around the office and house.

Best Answer

Yes, it will still track your progress.

Admittedly, I know this out of ignorance of how the app actually worked to begin with. I was unsure as to how the app tracked the progress of my Pokémon Go progress, so I continued to leave the app open as I walked, and I eventually received an alert - "You have walked 5km", and received 20 Pokeballs upon collection.

The idea of the app is that you don't need to keep the app open, but in doing so, you won't be able to visit Pokestops, or gyms, or catch Pokémon with the app closed - it is used purely to help collect candies for your Buddy, and hatch eggs.