Pokemon-go – Does CP multiplier roll when evolving affect the max potential of the Pokémon


So for some evolution there are variance in the multiplier when it goes onto the next evolution.

For example, a Pokémon has a 1.2 to 1.6 CP multiplier. When evolving, will getting a 1.2 multiplier put me at a permanent disadvantage against someone who had the exact same Pokémon and same level as me, but rolled a 1.6?

I know there is a disadvantage but could I make up for this by powering up the Pokémon itself or will my pokemon always be weaker than theirs because of a lower roll on the evolution?

Basically, does the evolution CP rolling affect the max potential of the Pokémon?

EDIT: I have heard in the last couple of days that IVs is what affects max CP, so a 95% IV will supposedly have a higher max CP than that pokemon with 70% IV. I don't know if this is confirmed but I will just put out the information I've found since others are also curious about this

Best Answer

Evolving a Pokemon will not affect potential CP. CP is determined by a pokemons Individual Values or IVs.

In game, you are able to get a rough estimate of the IVs of a Pokemon by having your team leader appraise them. In order to be able to have your Pokemon appraised, you need to be at least level 5 and have joined a team.

To find your exact IVs, however, you'll have to go outside of the game and use an online calculator. I personally use the IV Rater here: Silph Road