Pokemon-go – How to beat a large (4-5 skulls) raid boss


How do I beat a large Pokémon (that is 4-5 skulls of 31,000 CP) in a Pokémon GO Raid? If I solo it, I do not come close to beating it, even with maxed Pokémon.

Best Answer

You can't. If you pay attention to the suggested group size on the screen when joining a raid, it gives you a pretty strong hint:

suggested group size: 17

The suggested group sizes are pretty conservative. If you're a high level player with good counters, you can do it with fewer people, but you still can't solo a tier 4 or 5, even at level 40. At level 40, you can solo any Tier 1 or 2, and some tier 3s. For more, see gamepress's guides: