Pokemon-go – How to tell Max CP


I'm comparing different pokemon of the same type (e.g. comparing pidgeys with each other), to see which ones I want to keep and which to transfer. I want to select based on Max CP -which differs per each pokemon-, but it's a bitch to find what a pokémon's max CP would be.

Even though the bar fill isn't very accurate (not determined per every 1%), if a CP bar is filled to 50%, it's not hard to find out what the max CP of that pokemon is. But otherwise, since there are no round measurement tools in any software I know of, it stays at mere guessing.

Does anyone know of a way to do this effectively?

Best Answer

You could do this with a protractor. Originally I thought you'd need to do an upgrade and measure the difference, but I was making it more complicated than it needs to be.

enter image description here

Thankfully, the bar is exactly half a circle, this makes things a bit easier with a standard protractor. I have assumed that the bar is linear, meaning that if the bar is half full, then the Pokémon is at half of it's max CP.

The bar on this example is 110 / 180 or about 60% full.

You can then work out your estimated max level with this formula:

max = CurrentCP / (angle / 180)

max = 72        / (110 / 180)
max = 72        /  0.61
max = 118

Based on the other answer, it seems that the max CP might change as you level up, so you might need to remeasure.

But again, a physical one would have to have the same radius as the image/app on your screen.

Nope, with a ruler (or any straight edge for that matter), you can use a smaller protractor. Just put the protractor so that it's middle is in the middle of the bar and place your straight edge as indicated by the white line.

enter image description here