Pokemon-go – Is the effectiveness of a lure module influenced by the number of spawn points in the area


While going around town yesterday, we found a PokéStop that had an active Lure Module on it. It was the first time I used (or in this case, rode along) a Lure Module, but to my disappointment (& personal opinion) not that much Pokémon spawned.

In the immediate neighborhood of that PokéStop not much Pokémon can be found either. The Stop's in a quiet park and hence not much cellular activity is being recorded there. Assuming cellular activity corresponds to spawn points, it is my assumption that around that PokéStop there aren't that many spawn points to be found.

Hence my question: is the effectiveness of a Lure Module influenced by the number of spawn points in the immediate area? I know all theories are pretty speculative at this point, but whatever insights you may draw from your own experience are greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I always thought of Lures, and by extension Incense, to be a spawn multiplier. So if the spawn rates in the area are low, the Lure and Incense won't have as a dramatic effect. I'm not sure, or anyone for that matter, what determines spawn rates. Like you mentioned it does seem to correlate with cellular activity which could just be based on population density; mo' people, mo' Pokemon.