Pokemon-go – n IV perfection ‘average’? How to know if your Pokemon is above average


Pokemon GO's individual values (IVs), and some techniques for making the most of them, are well described in this answer and this answer.

I was wondering whether there is a generic 'average' IV perfection level (in % terms) that has been discovered or observed, and perhaps what the chance is of catching/hatching a Pokemon with a very high IV level?

The reason I ask is to try to determine whether I should focus on powering up, say, a 75% perfect Pokemon, or hold out until I get a 90%. Or keep holding out till I get a 99%, etc. At some point you must bite the bullet, so I am trying to determine where that point might best be.

Best Answer

Sort of, but at the moment it's due to a bug. Currently, a wild caught Pokemon's # correlates with their Attack IV. So a low # Pokemon will have a low Attack IV. This means that wild caught Pokemon's IV distribution is warped from what you'd reasonably expect, so don't hold out for a wild caught Perfect Bulbasaur (but do wait for a Perfect Eevee, as that's feasible). Until this bug is fixed, to get unbiased data we'd need to hatch a ton of eggs or capture a ton of Pokemon from nests, as those sources do not show this bug.


The bug appears to be fixed as of today. Now we can gather some data and crunch some numbers.

Updated Update

Looks like the average is 7.5, just like you'd expect.

enter image description here