pokemon-go – How to Get Earned Coins and Notifications in Pokemon Go


I just had a snorlax return from defending a gym for “1d 1h 33m”, but I didn't get any notification or coins. I only noticed when checking the gym badge list that my snorlax had been defeated. I checked my shop screen and my coin total hadn't changed though, and looking at my snorlax in my collection didn't do or show me anything. I can't find any buttons or indicators at all.

I do see entries in my journal for my snorlax returning (and for a rhydon that was defeated on the 23rd), but experimentally poking these entries didn't do anything.

Confused, I did some Googling and reading about the Gym Update after getting back home, but every source I've found (including Can I still earn coins in-game?) indicates that I should have received coins via a notification of some kind. I checked just now and have push notifications turned on in the Pokémon Go game settings, and my iPhone's notification centre settings has all permissions turned on for Pokémon Go, so I'm not sure where the notification went or where my coins went. There's nothing in the iOS pulldown notification screen for Pokémon Go.

Is there something else I need to do to enable coin-earning or a screen somewhere I need to use to go collect my coins? Is there a daily delay? Is it just a really unfortunate bug? (I know it's only 50 coins, but it does feel like there's little point in defending gyms while it's like this.)

Best Answer

Based on the comments, this could be a display bug where your Snorlax was in fact knocked out of the Gym after your other Pokemon that brought home the coins.

There is one way to find out exactly what happened: The journal. While it has a limited number of entries, there is a seperate limit for gym entries and it now displays the coins, too. If you check the journal from your profile page, there will be entries including date and time of all gym events, including "Snorlax fought hard and returned".

If there's an entry for something else at the same date and earlier time, it's a display bug and your other Pokemon simply wasn't shown yet (and the coin total in the Shop apparently only updates once the notification at the top of the screen appears). If Snorlax did in fact return earlier than the other Pokemon, there must be something else going on.

By the way, you can check this many days later still. Due to the seperate entry limit for gym events, the end of the journal has many of these, usually dating back several days, even weeks if you weren't very active taking gyms.