Pokemon-go – Pokemon Go attack bonus for two type pokemon


Various cases here:

  1. Bulbasaur is of type Grass and Poison, but Flying attack is only Super Effective against Grass type pokemon. What is an attack bonus in this case? 25%? 12.5% (average of two types)?
  2. Bulbasaur is of type Grass and Poison, but Ground attack is Super Effective against Poison type pokemon AND Not Very Effective against Grass type pokemon. What is an attack bonus in this case? 25%? 0% (they cancel-out)?
  3. Charizard is of type Fire and Flying, but Rock attack is both Super Effective against Fire and Flying type pokemon. What is an attack bonus in this case? 25%? 50% (they add up)?

Best Answer

When a Pokémon has two types, normally the weaknesses are multiplicative, however Pokémon GO does stuff just a little differently than other Pokémon games. If an attack is normally effective to one of the target Pokémon's types, and super/not very effective against the other, the move will do 1.25x and .85x damage respectively (Note: type immunities are considered not very effective in Pokémon GO). If an attack is super effective against one of the target's types, and not very effective against against the other type, it will do 1x damage (the super effectiveness is countered by the not very effectiveness). If an attack is super/not very effective against both of the targets types, the attack will deal the same amount of damage as if it was only super/not very effective against one of the types (there is no double bonus modifier).