Pokemon-go – Possible to download stats of all pokemon in bag on Android


I want to calculate the IV of all of my pokemon as per this site here. Is there any way to grab all of the game data needed for say Android (ie pokemon name, cp, hp, dust)?

I'm kind of curious to see whether I can automate the process but am stuck at this point. Is it possible that this game data is cached somewhere on the device? If so where would it be stored? Is there an API that can be used to retrieve it?

Best Answer

I dont know how the game saves the data. But there is an unoffical App that can calculate your Pokémon bag completely. It's called Pokiimap. In this App you can access your Pokébag and it automatically shows your Pokémons IV, the IV in percent, the CP, the max CP and the candies needed to level up.

But keep in mind: manipulating or accessing the game data in different ways than the App is against their Terms of Services and there is a chance that you will be banned - that also counts for extracting the data manually.