Pokemon-go – throwing the ball: smaller circle vs closer to the center of the circle


I played Pokemon Go quite hardcore recently, and I just reached level 23. One thing I still can't convince myself is that does throw a ball closer to the certain of the circle give you higher chance to catch the pokemon?

Of course I know that the smaller the circle is, the higher chance I will have. But does that mean when the circle is at its smallest, I can just throw the ball anywhere and just barely hit the pokemon and still get a highest chance? Or do I still have to target the center of the circle? I have this question because I feel if I wait until the circle reaches its smallest, then I have to throw the ball swiftly, and thus having a poor control of targeting it closer to the center.

The offical guide doesn't emphisize on this "accuracy" point. And I can't conclude from my own experience either: sometimes it does seem throwing closer to the center increases my chance, sometimes it does not.

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Getting a Throw Bonus will increase your chances of getting a Pokemon, with an Excellent Throw resulting in a rather sharp spike to catch chances.

However, to get the XP bonus (and the catchrate bonus), you actually have to hit inside the shrinking circle. It isn't enough to wait for the circle to become small, you must still hit inside the circle and get the bonus.

You can also take your time throwing: the circle will expand out after hitting its smallest point.