Pokémon Go – How to Control Tyrogue’s Evolution


Tyrogue, like Eevee, can evolve into different Pokémon. It's possible to control which evolution Eevee turns into. Is there a similar method for Tyrogue?

Best Answer

TL;DR - This is determined by the Pokemon's highest IV:

  • Attack ⇒ Hitmonlee
  • Defense ⇒ Hitmonchan
  • Health ⇒ Hitmontop
  • Equal Stats ⇒ Random of the evened values

You cannot force Tyrogue to evolve into one of the three evolution's like Eevee, but in recent updates, you can see which evolution it will evolve into

Defense is highest IV

Tyrogue -> Hitmonchan

Attack is highest IV

Tyrogue -> Hitmonchan

IVs that are equal

Tyrogue -> Random