Pokemon-go – way to find out the team in Pokémon Go


How do I find out which team I am on? I don't remember choosing a team and I don't know which one I am on.

Is there a way to find out?

Best Answer

If you tap your character's portrait in the bottom left corner, your team mascot will be displayed prominently behind you.

arrow to button

trainer info

As you can see, the Team Mystic logo covers the background behind my character. If you're not sure what your mascot is, then the color of this page should also match your team's color. (red for Valor, yellow for Instinct)

Another quick way to tell is by having any of your Pokémon appraised. Your team's leader will tell you the appraisal results. For instance, when I have my Vaporeon appraised, Blanche tells me the appraisal results:


However, if you don't remember choosing a team, it may be that you're not on one yet. You must reach level 5 before being allowed to choose a team.