Pokemon-go – way to see the pokestops and gyms on a map


I'm on vacation on a pretty rural area and there is only 3 pokestops and a gym around me. I wonder how many pokestops and gyms are near my house in another city.

Is there a way to see pokestops and gyms in other places in a map (preferably online)?

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Best Answer

As I mentioned in this article, the portals from this game and Ingress do appear to be identical, with many portals being pokestops and mission portals being gyms. However, they do seem to have a limitation on the density of portals, so not portal has been converted.

Therefore, using the ingress intel map will provide you with your Pokémon Go map. I haven't found an official map yet, but this has served me will so far.

Or just look for any of the following, as they are typically great hubs:

  • Shopping centers
  • Parks
  • Museums
  • Churches
  • City Landmarks (city hall etc)
  • Historical Landmarks (statues etc)
  • College Campuses
  • Any other tourist-y location

Ingress portals are based upon notable looking landmarks. If you know any place that fits the categories above, it's probably a pokestop.


Some pokestops have been removed from the game due to complaints, such as some in residential areas or ones around Police Stations etc. I have not checked if this change has been reflected in Ingress, but it has affected Pokémon Go.