Pokemon-go – What groups of areas are there influencing the pokemons appearing


I just noticed when I'm at work close to water, I almost only encounter pokemons like magicarp, bublesaur or dragonite (Sorry for the names, I never played pokemon in english so I'm not that sure abotu the names beeing written properly).

And at home just normal and poison type mosnters. So I'm assuming the areas are grouped and connected to that the pokemons that appear are.

Is it known what areas exist and what pokemons are supposed to spawn in them?

If so, could someone provide a table/list?

Best Answer

There are in fact biomes in the game:

  • Basin
  • Canal
  • Cemetery
  • Cinema
  • College
  • Commercial
  • Common
  • Ditch
  • Dock
  • Drain
  • Farm
  • Farmland
  • Farmyard
  • Footway
  • Forest
  • Garden
  • Glacier
  • Golf Course
  • Grass
  • Highway
  • Hospital
  • Hotel
  • Industrial
  • Lake
  • Land
  • Library
  • Major Road
  • Meadow
  • Minor Road
  • Nature Reserve
  • Ocean
  • Park
  • Parking
  • Path
  • Pedestrian
  • Pitch
  • Place Of Worship
  • Playa
  • Playground
  • Quarry
  • Railway
  • Recreation Area
  • Reservoir
  • Residential
  • Retail
  • River
  • Riverbank
  • Runway
  • School
  • Sports Center
  • Stadium
  • Stream
  • Taxiway
  • Theatre
  • University
  • Urban Area
  • Wetland
  • Wood
  • Other

Data was sourced from an APK dump done by me, which can be independently verified by pulling strings from specific APK files.

However, this likely is not a full list of biomes available in-game. Some biomes (like desert, for example) would be server-side, and therefore not be listed in the game's biome resources.

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