Pokemon-go – What happens if I unlink the Google account


I'm unhappy with the username I picked, and thus far I've only just caught my first Pokemon. I'd love to reset my account, but I'm afraid if I go to my Google settings and unlink my Pokemon go account, I'll be unable to create a new account.

Best Answer

I'm almost if you un-link your account you can't make another username for good on that google account, but I do know that if you go somewhere on the help forums in the app you will get a better description than I just explained. I would tell you what it says on the page directly, but the servers are down again :( I believe the help is right under the settings button, and then you can find the page. I just tried looking on the official support site, but I didn't find anything there, so I'm afraid you have to sign in with another account and find help on the app. Hope this helps!