Pokemon-go – What happens if you try to catch a pokemon when you are at your pokemon inventory limit


In Pokemon Go there is a limit to how many Pokemon you can have in your 'inventory' at once. This limit can be increased by buying Pokemon storage upgrades with Poke-coins etc., but the default is 250.

What happens when you try to catch another Pokemon when you are at the current limit?

Best Answer

With the new update, whenever your Pokémon inventory is full (i.e. you have 250 Pokémon with you), and you tap on another Pokémon in the wild to enter into the battle arena to capture, it won't enter into battle. Instead, a popup saying "Your Pokémon Box is full. You can buy more space in the shop." will appear followed by an affirmation selection choice saying OK and a secondary choice saying Go To Upgrades.

Pokemon storage full

So, the exact answer to this question is - NO. You won't be able to catch any Pokémon since it escapes the battle arena by showing a popup alert.

About the situation where the Eggs might hatch after you've reached your inventory; I assume that the egg won't hatch unless you've some free space in your bag to carry the Pokémon.