Possible to injure someone when penalties are switched off


I've noticed in many modern soccer/football games if you turn off penalties then injuries are also disabled. Essentially preventing people from having fun and beating the other team through injury.

Supplementary question; is this done deliberately? That is, has a game company ever come out and said we can't have this feature because sponsors or FIFA or license holders etc. won't allow it?

Main question; it appears it is possible in FIFA 12 because there are two separate settings for penalties and injuries. However I have just played two 6 minute games and couldn't manage to get anyone sent off due to injury. However if I set both settings to ON then it is quite easy (even if it costs me a couple of red cards) to at least get one person sent off injured. So is this possible in FIFA 12 on iOS?

I remember in early PS2 versions of ISS that it could be done, but I can't remember if that had official teams and players.

Best Answer

Ok first of all yes it is possible, but it does take a fair bit of practice to perfect it.

The best way to injure someone is while you are running alongside your opponent, let them move ahead of you just a little bit and then try a slide tackle. If you time this correctly it should work