Possible to join GTA V Heist without high-end apartment and/or less than level 12


The requirements for playing the heists are plastered all over the internet:

  • Need a high-end apartment with a planning board
  • Need to be level 12

However, some places says you need to be level 12 to host the heist where as other places says that heists unlock at level 12.

What is correct?

A level 6 (example), can he join a heist, provided that someone else that meets the requirements hosts it? Or does everybody need to be level 12 (or higher) and have a high-end apartment?

Best Answer

You can join someone else's heist if they invite you, regardless of level or residence.

you only NEED to be level 12 and own an apartment to be the heist LEADER / HOST the heists.

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