GTA Online – How to Raise Associate Salary as a CEO


So I've been a CEO in GTA: Online for about 2 weeks now and my brother plays on his computer as well. I invite him as an associate to my company so that we can pickup packages and make deliveries and such together. Every so often (Maybe 10-15 minutes), he receives a paycheck which started at $5,000 and is now at about $7000. Before I became a CEO, I joined a company as an associate and immediately got $10000 for my paycheck.

I was wondering if there was a setting in the SecuroServe CEO section in the menu to increase salary so I can increase my brother's salary to $10000.

I looked at all the SecuroServe menus I could find but I found nothing on it. Is salary even controlled by me or is it based off rank/level? I know it's not based off your time as an associate for the company because I was getting paid $10000 and I had just joined the company. Please let me know if you know of a way to increase the salary of an associate!

Best Answer

The associate pay starts at 5000 and increases by roughly 500 for every successful job you do. This includes vip jobs and cargo missions as best I can tell. It caps out at 10k so you received 10k because that group had already maxed out their jobs before you joined.