Power Play: Does undermining force me to lose reputation with factions


The in-game text that tells me how to undermine an opposing Power reads like this: "Undermine Senator Lavigny-Duval's hold by stealing Lavigny Garrison Supplies from Imperial Supply vessels […]"

When they say "steal", do they mean "destroy the vessel then collect cargo"? Because if this is the intent, will that not cause me to lose reputation with the Empire major faction? Which would be especially bad because I am currently pledged to another Imperial power.

On the other hand, if I read the instructions literally and employ a hatchbreaker limpet to steal cargo, won't the Imperial vessel attack me if it sees me scooping up the cargo under its nose?

Best Answer

In most or all cases yes. Undermining usually involves murdering ships in enemy territory. Murder is still a crime, as is assault. So you will incur a bounty, become wanted locally, and eventually lose the respect of a major faction you might be undermining.

However, if you undermine in an independent system, you will only incur a local bounty, and a local reputation loss. So if you're concerned about your interstellar standing, undermining independent systems may be the way to go.