Problems connecting the PS Vita to internet with the router


Im trying to connect my PS Vita to internet with my router, but Im having lot of trouble. The connection to the router seems to work ok, but internet is not working. When I run the "Internet Connection Test", I get this:

Obtain IP Address    Successful

Internet Connection  Successful

PSN Sign-in          Failed

Error code : c2-11003-5

The WWW Browser doesnt work either. What am I missing? My Android phone, my laptop and all the other devices Ive connected to the router worked alright out of the box.

Best Answer

I've looked around and found some people who had similar issues. The support officer suggests turning off the 'Disconnect Wi-Fi Connection Automatically' setting under WiFi settings.

Link to support post:

If this doesn't work then honestly you can only do a few things:

  1. Try to connect to PSN using another sony product like a PS3. Just going to the website wouldn't be as effective but is worth a shot to see if you can log into PSN from your browser. (In case it's blocked for some reason)

  2. Try changing the router settings such as allowing the ports PSN requires, disabling firewalls (Only temporarily, to see if it's the cause), enabling PNP and check for other security settings. If you can't get into your router, try basic stuff like Admin/pass or Administrator/password, you might get lucky otherwise, you need the password

  3. Try connecting off of another router. This might be hard to do but try to connect to PSN off of another network or router. Go to some place with free wifi and try connecting through there. If you still can't connect then it's a setting on your vita

  4. When all else fails, contact their technical support. Yeah they're gonna run you through what I said but they may know something I don't.

The error is a general network error and it's hard to track down the exact cause. So trying a lot of solutions and trying to narrow it down is really the only way to go at it.