Progressive difficulty of leveling up skills – or not? (TES3: Morrowind)


I've looked on the UESP Wiki and extensively DuckDuckGo'd for the answer to this, to no avail.

In Oblivion and Skyrim, skills "level up"/increase progressively "slower" – e.g., you need to make more hits to go from "Random Weapon" 99 to 100 than you need for 9 to 10.

However, as far as I can tell, Morrowind has each level require 100 "points", which are given statically (e.g., most weapons add 1 point per successful hit). Am I not seeing something, or is it really 100 hits to go from "Random Weapon" 9 to 10 and equally so 100 hits to go from "Random Weapon" 99 to 100?

Best Answer

Morrowind skill progression slows down linearly while Oblivion and Skyrim use exponential formula.

A lot of underlying math behind the game can be found on this OpenMW project page. According to their research,

Progress = Base gain / ((Level + 1) * Type bonus * Specialization bonus)

Progress – progress through a skill level (from 0 to 1) from single successful action.

Level – current level of the skill.

Base gain – skill increase factor that depends on skill and action (e.g. for Alchemy and Potion Creation it is 2.0).

Type bonus – bonus based on the skill type:

  • Major skill – 0.75
  • Minor skill – 1.0
  • Misc skill – 1.25

Specialization bonus – 0.8 if the player has the same specialization (combat/magic/stealth) as the skill, or 1.0 if not.