Ps3 – BF3’s capability when dealing with lag


Because upto 24 players in PS3 (64 players in PC) are scattered around the globe during a match, does BF3 balance gameplay to minimise lag issues by universally setting the ping response time for all connected players in a match ?

For example if you have a range of players in a match with between 25ms to 90 ms ping, will BF3 balance this with a controlled response time to all players of no faster than, say 40ms ? Or something like this to help balance the gameplay ?

Best Answer

I doubt EA would penalize the user for having a good connection. Most Servers have the option to autokick if the user's ping is too high (normally over 300). This prevents users from warping (lagging) from location to location and possibly benefiting from it (debatable). This autokick is that balance for response time.