Ps3 – Do you ever need DLC to get the Platinum trophy for a game


The description of the Platinum trophy for each PS3 game can vary (as with any trophy description). When you're looking at a trophy list and there are trophies for DLC sometimes it is not clear whether the DLC trophies are required to get the Platinum trophy. For example, the Bioshock Platinum trophy description reads "Collected all other Bioshock trophies" which is not clear on whether that includes the DLC trophies.

Are there any games where DLC trophies are required to be able to get the Platinum trophy?

Best Answer

No. When designing trophy sets for PS3 games, one of the requirements is that all of the base trophies must be earnable without DLC. Sony will not let developers publish games that do not meet this (and many more) requirements.