Ps3 – download DLC onto more than one PlayStation 3


If I download DLC on one of my PlayStation 3s, will I still be able to download it to other PlayStation 3s? I haven't tried anything because I don't know what to do.

Best Answer

You can use your PS3 login (PSN login), and sign into the PS3 you want the DLC on. If you are on your own PS3, download the DLC you want. Then you can go to a different PS3 and log in to the account you got the DLC on. Go to the PSN store, then go to purchases, and once it loads there will be a little blue arrow next to everything you have downloaded before. Click one and then it will download on that ps3. After you get everything you want you can log out and sign into your friend's account and he/she will have it.

It doesn't have to be downloaded on your PS3. You can get it on your friends house on his/her PS3. Then go home and download the DLC on your ps3. You can only have 2-3 PS3 connected with one account.