Ps3 – I murdered the wife, is there a way to bring her back


A while back I married Camilla Valerius. Recently I was playing and I started to get tired of Faendal always coming over to my house in Whiterun, so I murdered my wife Camilla. However, you see, Faendal is still coming to my house and I no longer get 100 gold per day.

Unfortunately I have the PS3 version so I am unable to use Console commands, and a save game is not really possibility as I have completed around 2 quests since I murdered my wife.

Is there any other way to bring back my wife on my version of the game?

Best Answer

No im sorry. You could use a spell called "dead thrall" to have her as a pernement undead companion but you wont get the 100 gold a day. Hope this helps