Ps3 – Is it possible to use the PS Vita as additional PS3 controller


As the title states: can I register my PS vita as an additional controller to an PS3 system? I want to play split-screen games without buying a new controller.

I've already searched around the web. All I found were some news entries that stated some people managed to get this to work, but they did not mention how this can be achieved.

I've also tried to connect to the PS3 system using remote play and add the other controllers, but this did not work either, because the screen just says that my Vita is connected using remote play. "Cross Play" is also not what I am looking for. I just want to use my Vita like a traditional controller.

So is this possible?


Just to make some things clear: I know about the features "Remote Play" and "Cross Play", but they are not what I am looking for, since they are all serving different purposes.

Best Answer

Yes, you can use your Vita as a PS3 controller! Go to the remote play tab on your Vita, and there will be a second tab (it's blue). With the new update on the Vita, it allows you to turn your Vita into a controller. I haven't tried it to see how you connect it, but it was just recently added. If you can't see it, update your PS Vita.