Ps3 – Possible to transfer save from PS3 to PC


Ok. Well, long story short.

Have a PS3, got Dark Souls on it. End of year sale 2014 on Steam. Bought Dark Souls PTDE on it cheap, got a computer upgrade, and here I am.

I have already completed 3/4 of the game on the PS3, and honestly don't have the energy to start all over again, farming for another 3 hours, and acquiring everything I have, all over again.

Is it possible to somehow transfer PS3 save files to PC and play the game with them?

The only information I can find is 3+ years old which is all about Games for Windows Live making life harder…

GFWL dropped Dark Souls support, and is now supported by Steamworks, so that doesn't come into play anymore. So is there a way, 4 years later?

Best Answer

To officially answer this, as it currently stands, the answer is no, it's not possible.

Or at least far more effort than it's worth. While some arguments go with the fact that the "Playstation supports Linux", short of re-writing Linux to read an NTFS harddrive carrying (god-knows-what) file types and allowing you to play them in some kind of jerry-rigged emulator, I'd say that's a long shot.

Most sources I have found on this topic are a few years old by now (and primarily on the topic of DkS2, not DkS1), but I still doubt the situation has changed.

However, I have found this forum post covering the method to change your Fallout 3 save to PC; but again, I'm not sure if this is relevant to this case.