Ps3 – Potential work around for PS3 Skyrim lag and chopping


Everyone is aware of the lag/chopping issues with the PS3 and that the problem is caused by the save file growing too large. Yes there has been a patch but this only seems to postpone the issue.

The reason the save file grows so large is due to the vast amount of information the game remembers, so you can go back to an area and the naked dead bodies will be exactly where you left them. What is important to note is that the save only contains changes from original game state.

Now I've read in a few places, that unfortunately didn't or wouldn't cite a source, that waiting 30 in game days causes a lot of dungeons to reset to their original state. This should in theory shrink the game file. The downside I would imagine is that you've got to kill everyone again if you go back to the dungeons, and they've probably now levelled up from when you first encountered them.

After all that…

Has anyone tried this and does it work? I've not had the time to turn on my ps3 for a little while otherwise I would have tested myself.

EDIT: OPM just posted this article citing the Bethesda support forums, so it looks like waiting may help

Best Answer

I have the 360 version, so I can't test this out for you. It may buy you a few more hours, but Bethesda's own workaround is to turn off auto save and restart your console. Aside from that, I don't think there's a lot you can do until patch 1.4(+?).