PS3 sending bad data over HDMI


Within the last two weeks or so (I think since I last did a system update), my PS3 has on occasion been causing my television to freak out and stop accepting commands via remote control and the buttons on the face of the television itself, until I pull out and plug back in the TV's power cable. What happens is that, as the PS3 turns on, I hear a couple of beeps from the TV as if it's changing inputs, and the TV briefly shows the selected input on the screen. A couple seconds later, I'll sometimes hear another beep and see the same thing on the screen, and then I'll notice that the TV no longer responds to volume changes, nor any other command (such as input changes or even the power button). The video image displays just fine, though.

The TV is an LG 47LE5500, and thinking the HDMI cable might have been going bad, I replaced it but still had the problem. I then tried switching HDMI ports, to see if the HDMI input that I had plugged the PS3 into was bad. The problem remained, however. Since I also have a Windows-based DVR plugged into a third HDMI port on the TV and have no such problems when watching that, I've concluded that it's the PS3 that's causing this.

Has anyone experienced something like this before? It seems like my PS3, upon powering on, is sending garbage data over HDMI which is causing my TV to lock up. I took a quick look at the video settings on the PS3 but didn't see anything that looked odd that might cause my issue.

Update on 7/10/14:

My DVR is now causing the same problem with my television, so it is definitely the TV that is causing the problem. As I point out below, keeping the resolution at 720p gets around the issue, though it's not ideal.

Best Answer

Sounds like you've done all the research already.

The only other two steps I can think of at this point:

  • Try another PS3.
  • Try to connect to another TV.

The other possibility here is that your TV is going bad for whatever reason. It could be that the PS3's HDCP handshake is throwing the TV off, or some other data that it's trying to send. Trying another known-good device would confirm this though.

In either case, I'm sure a Component connection wouldn't have an issue. Otherwise it's just a matter of replacing whichever device is going bad, there's not really much you can do yourself to fix it.