Ps3 – take the hard drive out of the bulky PS3 and place it into a slim PS3


My bulky PS3 died a couple of months ago and now I am considering getting a new PS3. One method that I heard that I can use to transfer all of my memory to another PS3 is by taking out the hard drive from my bulky PS3 and placing it into a new PS3. But I have not seen if this is for both the bulkier PS3 and the slim version.

So can I take the hard drive out of my bulky PS3 and place it into a slim PS3? Or does it only work with the bulky model?

Best Answer

Yes and no; the had drive type is the same, the hard drive will physically work in the new device. However, PS3 hard drives are encrypted, so if you just move the drive into a new PS3 the drive won't actually work; you'll have to reformat it.

Instead use the Data Transfer Utility to transer as much as possible to the new PS3, though some things don't move over; notably PS1/PS2 saves, you'll have to manually copy those to external media. If you can get the old PS3 to work by any means, do this instead if you want to keep that data. Do NOT reformat the drive until you have the data you need (or you think you'll never get it again.)

I am not sure if you have your old PS3 fixed if it will still read the same data; you'll want to ask Sony Support because it depends on the type of repair; if the device is irrecoverable, you can't get the encrypted data back.