Ps3 – use a PC hard disk drive for the PS3

hard driveps3

I have a 12 GB super slim play station 3, when I bought it I thought that 12 GB would be enough for few games but it's actually not once I tried it. I was wondering if I could connect a PC hard disk drive to my Playstation 3 instead of buying a hard disk drive for it? Is there any way that I can connect an PC hard disk drive to my PS3 – I mean to use the PCs hard drive storage space.

Best Answer

IF you mean an external drive or somehow hooking your PS3 to your PC no, you can't install games on an external drive like that. You can however use a laptop 2.5" HDD and replace the physical HDD inside the PS3 (you can backup and restore your current saves to keep all your stuff too).

See this question for a bit more info on the HDD type you need Internal PS3 HDD Replacement