Ps3 – Why is the PS3’s internet so slow compared to the computer


OK so I ran a speed test on my computer and my PS3. The results were stunning!

  • Computer: 14.12 Mbps
  • PS3: 0.89 Mbps

When I ran this test I disconnected all devices except for the one that was running the test.

Is the PS3's network card just bad, is it the browsers slow Flash rendering, or the browser itself?

Best Answer

I'd recommend using a wired connection with the ps3, especially if you live in a densely populated neighborhood. The reason I say this is not even about speed, but about reliabilty.

The ps3 wireless is 802.11g, which operates at roughly the same frequency as microwave ovens, and a lot of other stuff. If you're just browsing from a PC, you might not even notice a momentary network glitch, but when you get dropped out of an on-line game session and lose a bucketful of XP, you will notice.