Ps3 – Why is the wired Internet connection slow on the PS3


My ISP connection is 30 meg down and 5 up. My PlayStation 3 is hardwired with cat5e. All of the PlayStation Network ports are configured and forwarded on my router.

The test: Go to speakeasy with PS3 and perform test with Seattle. This is the best glass backbone to Montana. I am lucky if I get 4 meg download speed, the up speed is decent. Second test, unplug PlayStation 3 and plug in MacBook Pro. The results are that I can utilize the full bandwidth of my service from the same patch cable, wire through house and port on router. 30 down and 4.8 up.

I also removed ubuiti router and replaced with a pos netgear. Test results did not vary and router firmwares were up to date. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Here's the thing about data transfer and the device it's connected to. While I suggest you keep looking for a fix, the main thing about Bandwidth utilization is that even if a great quantity of data is being sent to your PS3 by your router, it's dedicated network processor can only process so much data, and Sony limits this to save on procedural resources to the highest necessary speed.

The PS3 uses a CELL processor setup with several modular CPUs, but just 256 MB of ram, so its ability to receive and process incoming data is quite limited.

I would still suggest you stick with the wired connection to limit latency.