Ps4 – Crayon on Playstation Four


I have crayon all the non shiny black parts of my playstation four (it's a long story, and not important for the sake of this question). Anyway, now that it's there, I'm wondering the best way to get it off. Would it be baking soda? I tried a wet toilet paper roll and that didn't work.
Also, does crayon on a playstation four pose that much of a risk to my disks or to the the actual drive inside of it. It's pretty worn down now, so maybe it's a non-issue.
Two questions are best way to get it off, and risk assessment (maybe if baking soda poses more potential damage it's just better to leave it on).

Update: In terms of on-screen stuff it seems to be running fine. When I listen to it, I can hear stuff going on, but that might have always been going on I just never paid attention to it before.

Best Answer

I always used mayo to get crayon off of things. Perhaps a little safer than putting water on the PS4, and with the side effect of making your PS4 more delicious. Just put the mayo on the crayon markings and let it sit for a few minutes. Should come off clean with a rag without a lot of effort.