Ps4 – direct upload to YouTube with PS4


So I am a sub account and I don't have a Facebook to download it to YouTube with. I don't have a capture card to use with my PS4 so I can't upload. I've checked the share stuff but couldn't find an upload to YouTube. Is there a thing I'm missing that you can upload to YouTube or do you need a capture card or Facebook?

Best Answer

It's possible now.

  1. Connect your PSN account with your YouTube. Go to Settings > Sharing and Broadcasts > Link with Other Services > YouTube and enter your credentials there.

  2. Record a video. Luckily, PS4 does everything for you automatically. It saves up to 60 minutes of your latest gameplay (this is configurable in Settings > Sharing and Broadcasts > Video Clip Settings).

  3. You can use Share button on your controller to either save this recorded clip to Capture Gallery or upload it immediately (there will be additional steps to select video name, tags, privacy, see this YouTube support page for details). Later you can go to Capture Gallery, find your video and upload it using the same Share button.