Ps4 – Does Group Finder work


Just got really into ESO:TU, been able to get to level 20 mostly on my own, but one thing I'd love to do is be able to dungeon crawl on demand like in WoW. They do have a "Group Finder" option and you can choose which role you want and which dungeons to search for but I queued up last night and didn't get matched into anything for over an hour, finally giving up on searching.

A couple key notes –

I only chose one role (damage) because that's what I am.
I chose "any dungeon" which had the option of about 6 different ones.
I resumed playing the game while "in queue" under "Group" menu item.
I'm on PS4.

So is Group Finder not working yet? did I do something wrong in the options? or did I just get unlucky with the wait time? or is this standard wait time?

Best Answer

While I haven't played the PS4 version since release, it should be working.

As with all such matchmaking things, wait times can be very long, if people don't join the queues or stick with them.

Overall the group finder has a few problems though:

  • It used to be broken months ago (on PC/Mac; should be fixed now).
  • People like to pretend it's still broken (such an easy topic to pick on).
  • People want to find groups instantly - which is understandable - but someone has to do the first step. If everyone cancels after 30 seconds or so, there'll never be enough in the queue. This is unfortunately often the case I think.
  • People are picky. They want to run dungeon X but only with people who've got ability y or have completed it and have achievement Z. While most aren't like that, it still reduces the pool of potential players.
  • As a matter of fact, most people want to play a damage dealer. As such it's a lot more likely you're not invited to any group due to the lack of a healer or tank.

What you can try is picking one of the rarer played roles (tank or healer), which should definitely shorten queue times. If you know someone who'd like to join, form your group first, then use the group finder to fill it. That way the group finder will pick people queueing up that fit your group (1 tank, 1 healer, 2 damage dealers). They don't have to queue up at the same time (you might find one player now, the other in 5 or 10 minutes).

Overall, I'd say its just important to mention that people should just do something else while waiting for the group finder. It would be nice to be an ad-hoc tool to get a group running within seconds, but unfortunately there aren't enough using it (yet?).

As an alternative, you could have a look at ESO LFG. It's a service setup by players where you can advertise wanting to form a group at some specific time frame and people can sign up to join you. Of course this isn't really ideal for something spontaneous.