PS4 Region Lock – Does ‘Region’ Refer to Device or Account Region?


I bought my PS4 in Vietnam and logged in with an account which I registered the location as USA. There seems to be a region lock for DLC so I want to determine my region before buying the game.

Best Answer

There are two region matters you need to be aware of. The first one is console region and the second is DLC pairing:

  • The vast majority of PS4 games are region-free in regards to console region. If you happen to find a game that is locked, although rare, you'll have to buy the vietnamese version of that game (or some other shared version). Those are usually japanese games.
  • DLC is usually locked to a specific game id. That ID may or may not change between regions or between specific regions. For example, US games are usually compatible with Latin America DLC. What matters here is that you buy the DLC of the same region as the game itself, the console doesn't matter. So you can buy a game from the UK, create an UK PSN account to buy DLC, and play the game in your US account with your vietnamese console. If you buy a game in the US, everything will work fine on your US account.