Ps4 – Does the PS4 support SimulView


Does the PS4 support SimulView (the feature which allows two players to see different thinks on one single TV utilizing 3D techniques) like the PS3?

Best Answer

From the Playstation Help page about SimulView:

What games support the SimulView feature as of launch? Will future games support SimulView?

The following titles are supported:

  • MotorStorm: 3D Rift
  • MotorStorm Apocalypse
  • Gran Turismo 5
  • Killzone 3
  • Super Stardust HD
  • MLB 12: The Show
  • MLB 13: The Show

There are currently no plans for future games to support SimulView.

Since these games are all for PS3, this seems to indicate that there is no need for PS4 to support SimulView.