Ps4 – Dual voice output for PS4


I don't have a PS4 (but I am planning on getting one sometime soon). I've been looking for the answer to this for a while but I haven't been able to find a definite answer.

On the Xbox 360 (and probably Xbox One too, unsure about this), there is an option where you can output the audio from voice chat from other players to your headset, TV, or both simultaneously. Is there an option like this on the PS4? I know that the PS3 doesn't have this option at all, but I'm wondering if Sony implemented this feature for this gen.

Best Answer

Yes. The DualShock 4 controllers for PS4 have a jack socket to connect your headset to. When connected, you can choose which sounds are sent to the headset. The options are:

  • just voice chat,
  • all sound (game + voice chat).

Whichever sound gets sent to your headset is no longer being sent to your TV.