Ps4 – Effective way to block Playstation Store without deleting/recreating users


I'm hoping to block the Playstation Store to prevent unnecessary spending and browsing for some users on my PS4. In researching how to do this, it involves setting up Family Management and establishing a Family Manager and any Parent/Guardian accounts. Playstation also considers a child account based on age.

The Family Manager account with the original PS Plus subscription needs to be demoted to a child account, I'm having trouble finding a way to do that. The instructions here or here would have been fine… had I known I needed to set this up immediately when I setup my PS4 and accounts. Now I have multiple accounts that have save data tied to them, and I don't want to delete save data or trophies for those accounts. I've also read on Arqade that I can't move the save data to a brand new, properly setup account.

I've tried researching how to do this at the router level, by somehow blocking the Playstation Store's IP or ports. I'm not sure if this is doable without totally blocking all the PS4's online capabilities (i.e. online gaming and Netflix).

Is there any way for me to restrict Playstation Store access without deleting any of my accounts?

Best Answer

I believe the best way is to create a family and not try to block individual IP addresses because you have more features on the PS4 such as internet browser and chatting which can be accessed by every user. Unfortunately you can't demote a family manager to a child account.


  • A user can be in only one family at a time.
  • Children are automatically added to the family of the adult who creates their user accounts. Children cannot be removed from the family they are added to, so be sure that the adult who creates a child’s user account intends to be the family manager.
  • Family managers and child family members cannot leave their family.

A family may only consist of maximum 7 members, there are 3 types of accounts you can add to the family. You can add existing or create PSN accounts and add them as child or adult. The type is based on the date of birth you put in when adding a member to the family.

  • Adult with parental controls
  • Adult without parental controls
  • Child without parental controls and with restricted access

The fourth type of account is the family manager and is created when you setup a family for the first time.


I hope this answers some of your questions.