Ps4 – How to play 4-player in Red Faction 2 for PS4


Recently bought Red Faction 2 on PS Store, hooked up 4 pads (all logged in as unique users) but when trying to play multiplayer, it gives an error saying no controllers match the specified players. It works fine for 1 or 2 players but not more.

It even states on the overview in the PS Store:

1 – 4 players

How can my buddies and I get this to work?

Best Answer

I do not have a proper answer, but I think you can't play with 4 controllers.

You don't appear to be the first person to experience this, as people on these two sites have experienced something similar:

Side note: You can ask for a refund if you want, as you bought it for 4-players gameplay, which is unavailable.