Ps4 – I somehow scrapped Nick Valentine, is the game broken


So I was scrapping some junk, and Nick Valentine walked by in front of me. I didn't pay attention to him and continued scrapping. I scrapped a pile, then turned to another. I was trying to scrap all the junk ASAP because I wanted to go back to looting the wilderness. Nick was standing in front of the pile, and before I realized he was there, I turned, pressed Square to scrap, and pressed X to confirm. Nick was gone. I had quickly looked at what materials I would get for scrapping what I thought was something in the pile, and it said '5 circuitry, 10 cloth, 15 steel' (Nick's 'materials'?) I reverted to an older save and he was there.

So scrapping companions is somehow possible? I would have never thought this was real. I even tried doing it a few more times, but no success. Is this a bug or some sort of hidden feature? I'm weirded out by this. I'm on the PS4, too, so no mods were on.

Best Answer

Although normally this isn't possible, Fallout 4 is not without its bugs.

There is a way to force mods onto things they are not intended for.

You most likely was scrapping so fast that you somehow was able to target Nick with the scrap dialog, and end up actually scrapping him.