PS4 Controllers – Is It Possible to Identify DualShock 4 Design or Color from the Sticker?


Let's say that I have only the backplate of a DualShock 4 with the sticker intact. Is possible to know the design or color with just that sticker?

enter image description here

Best Answer

From the infos I found on the posted sticker I couldn't find any info regarding the design of the controller. Following info refer to the controller itself, but not to the design:

  2. Barcode: 251425A0218666
  3. Series Number(?) 4-472-348-13 F1

Yet none of these refer to the design. The only info that also refers to the design seems to be the ASIN, but this one is not included on the sticker.

Because of all this, I say that it's not possible to know the design just from the sticker.