Ps4 – PlayStation 4 video drops when connected to Dell monitor via HDMI-to-DisplayPort adapter


I'm trying to get my PS4 connected to my Dell monitor which has a DisplayPort input. I've purchased an HDMI-to-DisplayPort adapter and a DisplayPort cable in order to do so. This works, but the video cuts out periodically.

Sometimes, I can get a good 30-45 minutes in before the monitor goes black for about 2 seconds. Then, everything is back to normal again for a while longer. Other times, this happens more frequently (like every 2-3 minutes). This is extremely frustrating and makes most games unplayable.

I have a computer connected to the same monitor, and it exhibits no such issue. I recognize my setup is a bit odd, and I suspect the adapter may be the culprit. Has anyone dealt with a similar problem? Do you have any suggestions for what I could try or how I could fix this (short of buying a television)?

Best Answer

I couldn't find a reliable solution to this problem.

My converter was powered by USB. I got a powered USB hub and used it to power my HDMI-to-DisplayPort converter thinking maybe it wasn't getting enough power from the USB port on my monitor, but that didn't make a difference.

I probably could have tried the one other video converter I found on eBay (It appears not many people make these things. Not even Monoprice carries one.) to see if that gave better results, but I decided it wasn't worth the hassle.

I ended up returning the PS4 and all the peripherals.

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