PS4 – Screen Cropped Regardless of Calibration: How to Fix Display Issues in Cities Skylines


Regardless of how I set the PS4 screen position in the main ps4 settings the Cities screen is cropping out the edges, so I can't read all the messages that appear.

You can see the screenshot below how part of the message is cropped out, and it's the same for messages in the top-left too.

There doesn't seem to be any settings in-game to manage screen size / position. Am I missing some other solution here?

It's running on a 720p tv through HDMI,if that makes any difference.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your TV is overscanning the image. A lot of cheap TVs do that and hopefully there's an option to turn it off in the menu settings, but it is very likely that there is nothing you can do about it.