PS4 – Securing Data Before Lending


Soon, I'll be unable to use my PS4 for a few weeks. So I've offered to lend my console to my brother-in-law.

I've decided the following:

  • He may play my games (both disc and downloaded).
  • He may not use my saves.
  • He may not use my credit card.
  • He can use my online accounts like Netflix if I don't have to give him my passwords.

Of course when I'm getting my console back, I want to get all my data back (saves, credit card, etc).

How exactly can I do that?

Note: of course, I trust him. I just don't trust some other people who he will play with.

Best Answer

Okay time to hit the list here:

  • He would be able to play all of your games if he is using your account or not.
  • If you want to be really safe with your saves just get yourself a flash drive and back up all your saves onto it. Link on how to do this. You can easily replace any new saves with your old ones saved onto your thumb drive.
  • Simply remove your credit card information from your Playstation Network account. Link on how to do that as well.
  • If your brother-in-law is using your PSN account and those account are already logged into your apps like Netflix, he should be able to use those without having to log in at all.

Hope these help.